I recently figured out a combination of cgroups usage and scripting that improves how my desktop behaves under web-related memory pressure.

Systemd Units

Use memcg to restrict firefox processes in aggregate to N% of system RAM:

$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/firefox.slice


Customize OOMPolicy such that systemd allows parent firefox processes to continue living, even if their children are OOM-killed.

$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/firefox.service



Run firefox under this memcg configuration:

$ sudo systemctl start firefox.service


Build forkstat from source or install it using distro package management. The author describes it thusly:

Forkstat is a program that logs process fork(), exec() and exit() activity. It is useful for monitoring system behaviour and to track down rogue processes that are spawning off processes and potentially abusing the system.

Adjust OOM Killer Scores Dynamically

Use forkstat to monitor the main firefox process for new subprocesses, then adjust the OOM killer score of each subprocess accordingly:

$ cat firefox-choom.sh

# Parse PIDs of firefox content processes from `forkstat` output like:
# 10:00:00 fork   100000 parent          firefox-nightly
# 10:00:00 fork   100001 child           firefox-nightly
# ... and pass the results to `choom`, in order to guide the OOM killer toward
# content processes (children) over the main chrome process (parent).
# Content processes should be reaped before the main chrome process, with the
# latter being OOM-killed only as a last resort. This is because the former can
# be killed while preserving the latter, while killing the latter causes all of
# the former to be killed transitively.
# Put more simply, we want to avoid OOM-killing the entire browser if possible.

sudo forkstat -lde fork                                                     \
  | sed -uEn "s@[0-9:]+[ ]+fork[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+child[ ]+$PROGNAME.*@\1@p"   \
  | while read line ; do choom -n +1000 -p "$line" ; done

Example usage and output:

$ ./firefox-choom.sh
pid 700000's OOM score adjust value changed from 0 to 1000
pid 700001's OOM score adjust value changed from 0 to 1000
pid 700002's OOM score adjust value changed from 0 to 1000


Use cgroups to control the memory usage of firefox processes in aggregate, OOM-killing the entire process tree if necessary.

Use forkstat and choom to guide the OOM killer towards content subprocesses and away from the main parent process, such that whenever possible, only a single browser tab (or set of related tabs) is OOM-killed, rather than the entire browser UI.